Break free and live the life you want to live.

For many people, facing a major crossroads in life—retirement, becoming an empty-nester or making a career change—can be both perplexing and frightening.

It’s at these critical decision points that you need clarity, vision and support. Even if you have a circle of friends, a partner, or family members who you turn to for advice, nothing compares to a dedicated and specially trained life coach.

A life coach is a professional, objective and confidential guide who will help you discover your own truths, formulate a personal game plan and accomplish your goals—whether that’s starting a new business or crossing a special trip off your bucket list.


Are you:

  • transitioning from one phase of life to another

  • preparing for retirement

  • needing to downsize and de-clutter your home

  • retired and wondering what’s next

  • feeling trapped in your current career

  • looking to join or re-enter the workforce

  • seeking a more balanced life

  • searching for your life’s passion

  • looking for more fulfillment from work and life?

Coach Jeri may be just what you need. She will help you explore new possibilities, set and achieve personal and professional goals—and eliminate the roadblocks to achieving them.

Initial Consultation

Learning about transition coaching from Coach Jeri is easy—and free. It begins with a no-obligation conversation (on the phone or in person) during which Jeri will ask about your goals and expectations. This initial conversation will help determine whether there is potential for a beneficial coaching partnership with Jeri and which module best fits your needs.

If you and Coach Jeri are not a perfect fit, she will be able to offer you a referral to other coaches within her professional network.

Coaching Modules

Path to Discovery: The Game Plan

Starting something new can feel overwhelming. Fear and discomfort cause many people to stay right where they are—and miss out on what could be a fulfilling next phase in life. If you’re at a critical transition point in life, you may benefit from this coaching module to gracefully and strategically move to your next chapter.

The Path to Discovery begins with an initial coaching session to determine the area(s) of your life where you would most like to see results. Next, you will complete time-tested assessments that will help uncover the essence of who you are, what you most want to achieve in your life and identify obstacles to your success. You and Coach Jeri will then begin building your Game Plan to move forward.


  • 3 Assessments to be completed on your own schedule

  • 2 one-hour coaching sessions during which you and Coach Jeri will review and analyze your assessments and devise an individualized Game Plan with priorities, goals and a timeframe for implementation

  • 1 follow-up one-hour coaching session to ensure that you are effectively moving toward your goals. Ongoing email/text support is provided as desired throughout the process.

Cost: $250

Result: A personalized Game Plan and guidance to begin the journey toward the life you were meant to live.

Enlightenment through Energy Leadership: The Playbook

After completing the Path to Discovery module, you may be ready to dig deeper by learning how your personal beliefs and assumptions are impacting your ability to move forward, as well as your overall satisfaction with aspects of your life.

This coaching module gives you access to the Energy Leadership Index™ assessment (ELI) tool and Personalized Energy Leadership Report that will prepare you to begin a specialized coaching journey.

The ELI tool assesses the types of energy you experience and express in life, particularly as you approach and react to specific circumstances. This assessment tool is a tangible, measurable means of determining how your attitude toward life and worldview affects various aspects of your life, from productivity and finances to work and family relationships.


  • 70-question online ELI assessment completed at your convenience

  • Personalized Energy Leadership Report providing you with an in-depth understanding of the 7 Levels of Energy and how they impact your perceptions and reaction to life events

  • 7 coaching sessions with Coach Jeri to develop your personalized Play Book based upon your results and individual goals

  • Your personalized Play Book with details to guide you on the path to your next chapters in life.

Cost: $700

Result: Awareness and understanding around your specific energy levels and opportunities to change perceptions, remove barriers, increase productivity and improve overall emotional well-being. With this awareness, you can control and purposefully ‘respond’ to any life situation. Your return-on-investment can be measured by the achievement of your goals, including tangible results such as less time spent worrying and less physical clutter as well as less tangible measures such as peace of mind and a greater sense of control, freedom and fulfillment.

Clutter Control or Downsizing Support

If you are looking to simplify your life by reducing your physical footprint and material possessions—and become better organized in the process—this coaching module is for you. Overcoming clutter, downsizing and relocating are critical transitions that are often overwhelming. It’s important not to let paralysis set in and instead reach out for support!

After completing the Path to Discovery module, Coach Jeri can help to organize and de-clutter your space—either virtually by establishing a plan for you and supporting you through the process or physically, leading you through clutter removal within your home. If your goal is to relocate, Coach Jeri can help to downsize or organize in preparation for, during or after the move.


  • A personalized action plan to physically de-clutter and organize your space with support throughout the execution of the plan. Physical on-site de-cluttering if desired.

Cost: TBD based upon project scope.

Result: A sustainable, empowering, de-cluttered and organized environment that frees your mental and physical energy to be re-directed into more productive ways.